
Why Content as a Service (CaaS) is equally important for IT and marketing.

Nico Rehmann, CEO of asioso GmbH, writes in his professional article about the use of Content as a Service - Content should be visible on many platforms in order to be able to pick up the customer at many touchpoints. Here CaaS - Content as a Service can support  

Marketing must supply more and more channels with content in order to effectively influence customers' purchasing decisions. One technology that promises a lean and effective solution to this problem is Content as a Service. (CaaS). What exactly is Content as a Service? How does it work and why is this technology equally important for IT and marketing? Why more and more companies are turning to Content as a Service.

Every company is trying to reach customers through different channels. To provide a channel with the necessary content, it must first be connected and operated via a touchpoint. Each of these touchpoints requires the content in its own form and with the touchpoint-optimised layout. This is the only way to ensure that the same content can be consumed on a smartphone, notebook, Apple Watch or within a special app. The adaptation work required for each channel involves a great deal of effort not only for marketing but also for IT. Every update of the content involves new effort. With CaaS, content only needs to be created and managed once and can then be deployed across all channels. Web editors no longer have to make any adjustments to the presentation and there is no need to adapt images or interactive content.

Is the classic CMS obsolete? Read the full article at Computerwoche.de.

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