
asioso Netz-Spätlese KW26/2017: Smartphone Tracking, Marketing Automation, Storytelling ...

The week from 26.06.-02.07.2017 showed up with different topics like: Fake News, Mobile Health, Robots and more... We have prepared a review for you.

User-generated content: How to get your customers on board
http://t3n.de/news/user-generated-content-kunden-831742/?utm_source=feedburner t3n News

Lack of credibility, declining trust: Are fake news a danger for content marketing? https://onlinemarketing.de/news/fake-news-gefahr-fuer-content-marketing

Smartphone tracking meets with broad rejection

Mobile Health: Help for the chronically ill?

These design details are the assembly of the industry

Kuka wants to bring robots into the household

Marketing Automation: Snake Oil or the Greatest Thing Since Sliced Bread?


in e-commerce


) http://www.contentmanager.de/marketing/storytelling-im-e-commerce

Working in distributed

Excellent quality. Not too sweet, not too dry and easily digestible. Something for everyone.

just make it simple

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