
Intranet content that inspires

In many companies, exciting content and entertaining content are not necessarily buzzwords that one would associate with the intranet. At the same time, there are various ways to make internal communication varied and interesting. This article will look at some of these possibilities  



Colorful material of all kinds not only attracts the eyes, but also loosens up the overall visual impression. So instead of putting a long continuous text on the intranet (which no one reads in the end), you can enhance it with a few illustrations . These don't always have to be brightly colored photos - just a few graphics can be enough to make the message of the text stick in your mind  


Interesting interviews always attract interest . They are a way for employees to learn even more about colleagues and supervisors. The content of the interviews can be either professional or private; they can cover current topics, offer a deeper insight into the activities of certain departments or simply entertain. There's no prohibition on profundity , either. So why not introduce a department or an employee in more detail each month? 


Digital audio formats are very much in vogue at the moment. Podcasts lend themselves as a medium because they transport information on a new level. They allow them to be consumed as "easily digestible" fare on the way to work. This format is particularly suitable for intranets that are used on the move. 


The moving image is still a very popular medium. It allows information to be conveyed visually and acoustically, appealing to the most important senses at the same time. Videos also ensure that important messages are received on the intranet. Videos can make complex issues easy to understand

Interview the employees

At the end of the day, it's the employees who decide whether or not the content is a good fit for them. So if there are still questions about this or you're not quite sure what content is appealing: It doesn't cost anything to ask! So why not conduct an employee survey to find out what the intranet should offer? Of course, once the results are in and the suggestions have been implemented, it shouldn't stop there. An important task is to constantly analyze which content is actually viewed often and which media are played. Employees' wishes change, just as the workforce itself changes over the years. 


An intranet that inspires is not a matter of course. On the contrary: it's hard work and requires preparation. A varied design of the content is crucial for this. The use of different media such as images, videos, podcasts or interviews should be coherent and look professional. If inspiration is lacking, the staff can be asked for their opinion. It is only important that an ongoing analysis is carried out so that it is possible to react to changing wishes in the future.

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