AWS is a short form of Amazon Web Services. AWS is the the most widely used cloud platform worldwide and offers over 175 services to - and that since over the age of 14. Due to the gained Expertise is AWS Market leader and now supports millions of customers worldwide in the provision of their services.
General information about Amazon Web Services (AWS)
The cloud provider has been active since 2006 and has now established itself as market leader. AWS' market share in 2017 was as high as $16.8 billion (approximately €14.3 billion). All other cloud providers together came to $17.9 billion (approx. €15.3 billion). This means that AWS alone will have a market share of over 48% in 2017. In 2020, the importance of cloud providers has increased significantly, but AWS still has the largest market share. With 33.4 billion $ (approx. 28.5 billion €) AWS is the undisputed number one. Although the total volume now stands at 83.2 billion and both Microsoft Azure and the Google Cloud Platform have grown in popularity, AWS still has over 40% of the market share. However, these figures are not unjustified, as AWS offers a wide range of services with a high level of functionality.
Wide range of services. In addition to virtual servers from Microsoft or Linux (EC2), these include storage space for data volumes (S3), a Content Delivery Network (CDN), database services such as SimpleDB and Relational Database Service (RDS), and development tools for analyses and other processes.
Companies can act and implement new ideas quickly
The AWS Cloud is available in 54 Availability Zones and so users also benefit from low latency.
AWS Marketplace. Here, software from independent providers is made available, which enables a high degree of flexibility.
Disadvantages of AWS
The large selection can be overwhelming, especially for laymen.
It isquestionable whether AWS is the best choice for small and medium-sized companies
AWS offers hardly any consulting services for SMEs
There are cheaper alternatives.
Costs of AWS
The costs of the cloud provider are based on the individual consumption of the users and AWS provides a price list for the different services. In addition to this list there is an extra calculator, as the calculation of the costs incurred is admittedly somewhat complex. For a virtual server with 512 MB RAM and 1 vCPU at the datacenter in Frankfurt, about 0.0058 € per hour is charged, which results in monthly costs of about 4 €. On top of this, there are costs of about 1 € for 10 GB SSD hard disk space. A better virtual server with a 40 GB SSD hard disk, 2 vCPUs and 8 GB RAM would thus already be significantly more expensive.
Here are all the articles from our blog series "Cloud providers and their advantages - a technology with future potential".