
Personalized Marketing - A Difficult Art

Personalized marketing is widespread in e-commerce and digital marketing. No wonder: it has been proven to increase sales and can boost customer satisfaction. However, most companies are content with the basics such as product recommendations or individual offers. But the possibilities of personalized marketing are already far more diverse today. 



The basis for personalized content and offers is the information you as a company have about your customers. Depending on the state of your Customer Data Management (CDM), you may have comprehensive profiles of your existing customers or you may have to make do with the information you receive by default about visitors to your website.

This includes, for example: 
  • Location: A user's IP can be used to reliably and easily determine their current location. This allows you to deliver suitable offers in the vicinity or infer preferences and needs. 
  • End device: Queries and intentions via a desktop often differ from those via a tablet or smartphone. End-device optimized content ensures satisfied customers. 
  • Referrer: The channel through which users enter your website often says a lot about your intentions and needs. 
  • Date and time: Addressing users in a way that is optimized for the time of day and year conveys closeness and trust - important components of successful customer retention.
A CDM and user accounts also provide you with the following data: 
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Previous buying behavior 
  • Search history

With the help of statistical analysis and AI, you can use this data to find out quite a lot about your customers as a whole and each customer in particular. Even the success of personalized marketing can be assessed by analyzing customer data.  


Personalization is a process with many stages and possibilities. In theory, you can provide a completely customized experience to each individual prospect or customer. Practically, however, it's best for most companies to start small first. Successful small-scale personalizations can include location-based overlays on delivery conditions, locally available products, or local contacts. International companies immediately welcome users in their local language or display the product range available in their country.

In addition to individual websites, there are many other possibilities for personalization:
  • Personalized advertising reduces wastage and increases conversion rates.
  • Email marketing such as newsletters and personalized offers strengthen customer loyalty
  • Personalized app content simplifies operation and the customer journey 
  • Product recommendations in the online store prolong shopping and increase sales
  • Product recommendations at the point of sale ensure successful cross-selling
  • Personalization in service helps to solve problems and clarify issues quickly 


Successful personalization not only increases your sales, but also promotes customer loyalty: appropriate recommendations increase your customers' satisfaction as well as their trust and strengthen their brand loyalty. Today's gigantic choice is not only a blessing but also a curse for customers. Personalized decision-making aids give buyers orientation and ensure that their wishes are fulfilled quickly and reliably. 
Personalization can give you as a company a decisive advantage. Because you have more information about your customers than your competitors, your recommendations are better. As a result, they consistently perform better in comparison and can retain your existing customers over the long term. 
At the same time, personalization also helps you increase customer activity. Through targeted marketing, user-tailored content, and personalized offers, you can attract customers as buyers on a regular basis. This goes hand in hand with higher long-tail sales and more successful cross-selling.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
"91% of consumers prefer to shop with brands they recognize, remember, and provide with relevant offers and recommendations.
Findings from a 2018 Accenture survey  

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