
The digital transformation will not run away from you. Your customers will.

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In his professional article "Act now - before the customers run away" Nico Rehmann, Managing Director at asioso, provides valuable insights and tips for the digital transformation with regard to the relationship between companies and their customers.

The digital transformation can no longer be stopped - this insight has reached the management of most companies. And yet even German companies are oversleeping the digitalisation of their business processes, as if they still had many years to go. The problem is that the digital transformation may wait for slow companies, but their customers certainly won't.

The digital transformation puts the proverbial gun to companies' heads. Either they adapt to the technological innovations (AmPnBsP) of the market, or they run the risk of being squeezed out by more innovative competitors. "Disrupt or be disrupted", as they say in the English-speaking world.

The fact that digital transformation is unstoppable, that it is changing the market, both global and increasingly local, that it requires a fundamentally new understanding of traditional business processes - all this has long since reached the management of most companies. And yet even German companies are oversleeping the digitalization of their business processes, as if they still had many years to go. The problem is that the digital transformation may be waiting for slow companies, but their customers certainly won't.

Read the full article on Channelpartner.de.

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