MAM, PIM, WCM & CRM - success factors for integrated customer communication

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Our managing director Nico Rehmann will give a lecture on the 08.05.2017 on the SHIFT/CX in Frankfurt with the topic "MAM, PIM, WCM & CRM - Success factors for integrated customer communication".
The SHIFT/CX is a two-day congress for the reorientation towards more customer orientation in the digital age. The event is aimed at project managers from marketing, sales and service.
The presentation will cover the various disciplines of integrated and successful customer communication, which are essential in today's companies.
The presentation will be followed by a discussion round on "Success factors for Content, Commerce & Conversion".
The participants of the discussion are:
- Nico Rehmann, Managing Director, asioso
- Konstantin Stergiopoulos, Head of Strategic Accounts & Alliances, pirobase imperia
- Thorsten Wilhelm, managing partner, eResult GmbH
The SHIFT/CX is a new specialist event for digital transformation in CRM, marketing and service and will take place on 08th & 09th May in Frankfurt.
At SHIFT/CX you will find the leading solution and service partners for CRM, Digital Experience Management, Digital Customer Service & Engagement as well as Marketing Automation.
SHIFT/CX - As a follow-up event to DMX//Conf and the CeBIT Digital Marketing Arena
In two days we want to offer an exciting mix of trend and trade conference, exhibition and a lot of interactive networking. Following the programme of the CeBIT Digital Marketing Arena, SHIFT/CX will offer a colourful programme of expert and practical contributions on the digital transformation in CRM, marketing and service. In parallel, there will be an accompanying exhibition and various networking and participation formats - an overview of current developments in the field of solutions an intensive exchange with peers.
SHIFT/CX thus bundles the various specialist conference and exhibition activities of Kongress Media in this subject area. Inform yourself already now about the possibilities of participation! Both as an exhibitor or as a practitioner and expert in the stage programme!
You will find further details at