
Winner 2019 - 1st place at the DCA - Digital Communication Award

Digital Communication Award 2019 in the category Food & Beverage goes to asioso and RATIONAL 

Berlin, 20 September 2019
. asioso, the Munich-based digital agency asioso has been awarded for the design of the online magazine KTCHNrebel (www.ktchnrebel.com) on behalf of the kitchen appliance manufacturer RATIONAL. The somewhat different magazine for professional chefs shows ,excellently, how to address your target group at eye level:

KTCHNrebel: Cool, informative and simply different online magazine for passionate professional chefs


Until recently, specialist media for chefs enjoyed an equally conservative and dry reputation, comparable to the media products of most trades. To this end, the Munich-based Internet agency asioso (www.asioso.com) and its customer, the appliance manufacturer RATIONAL, have done away with the former cliché. Asioso has launched the online magazine KTCHNrebel for professional chefs on behalf of RATIONAL.

Because life in the kitchen is loud and dirty - and wonderful! KTCHNrebel is at home wherever knives, pots and cooking aprons are the ingredients of creative work. The online magazine for all professional chefs who love exactly this adventurous side of gastronomy takes a look behind the scenes, talks to innovators and reports on trends and developments in the food industry. With specialist articles, reports and interviews, it brings its readers closer to the back-of-house of the restaurants and canteen kitchens of our world bit by bit.

This is how technical literature is changing from compulsory reading to reading enjoyment. The focus here is quite clearly on the added value for the B2B customers of RATIONAL AG. Cooks... For this commitment, asioso and RATIONAL were recently awarded the Digital Communication Award of 2019 in their respective industries. 


Digital Communication Awards crown novel format in the food industry

Digital communication and marketing are becoming more and more important. It is becoming the preferred form of communication for companies, organisations and consumers. Mastering digitization and making valuable content effectively available has developed into a master discipline in a short time. This is why Quadriga University in Berlin has launched the Digital Communication Awards in 2011.

Here, practical and academic contributions compete for some of the communication industry's most coveted prizes. Asioso won the Digital Communication Award of the year 2019 for KTCHNrebel, the RATIONAL B2B online magazine, in the Food & Beverage section in September at the awards ceremony in Berlin. This means that it is clear in black and white how effectively the right way of addressing customers in the online format can reach target groups.  

RATIONAL used to communicate heavily product-oriented," says Daniel Klaus, Senior Manager in Online Marketing. "But we can see that the customer needs a lot more information in order to make a decision. Daniel Klaus, Senior Manager Online Marketing at RATIONAL AG, on the launch of the new magazine.  

The keyword here is always added value. Useful, interesting and stimulating content from which the customer can make a profit for himself is what makes good content and storytelling today - not the sheer quantity. No wonder, because stories offer an ideal interface between what the company wants to convey and what the customer wants to hear.



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