
Twitter - Tips to use Twitter successfully as a company

Slightly less popular in Germany is the News app Twitter. Worldwide use 186 million people the platform daily. At Germany there are about a million and a half. Twitter exists already since 2006.

Twitter is familiar to most people, but at the same time it raises many questions: What is the purpose of this network and how can I use it effectively? How is "tweeting" actually done, are there rules and etiquette? Somehow Twitter is different from other platforms such as Facebook or Instagram, but how do they differ exactly? 

General Information and Introduction

Basically, Twitter can be seen as a kind of news service rather than a classic social network topicality is therefore an important feature of Twitter. This is where world events take place in real time, up-to-the-minute information is shared and discussions on Twitter are often lively and often heated. 

What are Tweets?

Tweets are text messages whose maximum length has been increased from 140 characters to 280 characters. However, a tweet can also contain an image or a video . How do these tweets achieve a certain range? Via the hashtags that are added to them. The more interesting this keyword is for the target group, the better - because in the "Trends" the target group is shown current hashtags that could be relevant for them according to an algorithm .

Using Twitter as a business

To use Twitter successfully for your business, it is therefore important to determine the target group in advance. You can follow other accounts, react to their tweets and of course create tweets yourself. You can also send private messages that are not publicly visible. Twitter is an excellent way to interact with your community and to increase it in a sustainable way. However, this only works if you are really active on the platform regularly. This is where Twitter differs significantly from Facebook and Co. - it is not enough to tweet once in a while and then sit back passively. Participate in the discussion that has arisen, get involved in other dialogues.

Further tips for successfully using Twitter as a business Your

  • contribution doesn't always have to be deadly serious, but may also contain a pinch of humour
  • Familiate yourself in advance about the content and topics that might interest your target group
  • Offer your followers a added value and valuable information
  • Selection of dequate hashtags
  • Creation of short and concise tweets
  • The retweets you respond to are also visible to your followers and ensure reach
  • Talk about yourself, let your community be part of it
  • If there's an event coming up or an event that is important for your company or your industry, for example, this is one of the best opportunities to tweet diligently



This is an overview of the entire blog article series on the topic of "Social Media - a small guide to your marketing success".

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