
asioso is again sponsor and co-organiser of the Online Focus Conference MARKETING

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After the great success of the Fokus Online Conference Marketing in November 2019, we are very pleased to be a sponsor and co-organizer again this year! After more than 800 registrations last year, great feedback and results, this year's event has a lot to offer over 4 days.

Short info

The Online Conference will take place from 25 - 28 May 2020 experts and speakers in the field of marketing will give exciting presentations and share their experiences.
This year's main topics are Trends & Strategy, digital marketing, Content Marketing/ Social Media/ SEO and E-Commerce/ Content Commerce/ Content Marketing. The event will always start at 9:00 am with a short opening to the respective focus on that day. This is followed by the 40-minute speeches of the experts. The whole thing will end at about 13:00 h. 

Click here to register free of charge.

To give you as good an overview as possible of what to expect, the following section contains a short program overview of the different days with speaker, topic and time.

Programme overview

Monday, 25. Mai 
Trends & Strategy 

09:00-09:15: Eröffnung 
Tanja Grünwald 
09:15 - 9:55 a.m.: Connecting Generations - Generation Z in marketing get and keep on board as customers  
Keynote] Walter Matthias Kunze (Xing Ambassador für Marktforschung & Trend Research - XING Ambassador Community, Trendquest) 
10:00 - 10:40: Die unfairly high customer expectations of brands today (and how to meet them) 
Daniel Blank (WE Communications) 
10:45 - 11:25: Digitale Transformation in marketing: Content & Communications Factory - the Telefonica solution 
Mareike Zaruba (censhare) & Monika Zeier (Telefónica Germany) 
11:30 - 12:10: Trends 50 - Research methods and results
Heiko Fleischmann (rtv media group)
12:15 - 12:55:Artificial Intelligence in Search Marketing - How you can prevent wrong answers about your brand
Benjamin Prause (Yext)

Tuesday, 26. May
Digital Marketing

09:00-09:15: Eröffnung 
Tanja Grünwald 
09:15 - 9:55: Phantastische leads and where to find them online sind (Growth Hacks and best practices included) 
Keynote] Nina Kolos (Munich Trade Fair, Digital Marketing) 
10:00 - 10:40: In 5 steps to automated inbound marketing 
Simon Schulte (Arithnea) 
10:45 - 11:25: Product Information Management (PIM) / Master Data Management (MAM)

11:30  - 12:10: Title follows (Programmatic Advertising)
(B2B Media Group)

Wednesday, 27. May
Content Marketing / Social Media / SEO

09:00-09:15: Eröffnung 
Tanja Grünwald 
09:15 - 9:55: Performance boost through content marketing 
[Keynote] Olaf Wolff (Content Marketing Forum) 
10:00 - 10:40: Erfolgsfaktor DAM: The superpower for outstanding B2B marketing
Michael Sahlender (Celum)
10:45 - 11:25: Customer Optimize experience, but with system 
Henning Grote & Roberto Vlad (bitgrip/CoreMedia) 
11:30 - 12:10: Erfolgreich through efficient marketing systems 
Helmut Engelmann (censhare) & Matthias Klautke (Savotex) 
12:15 - 12:55: Smarte Content strategies 
Jochen Mebus (Text Broker)

Thursday, 28. May
E-Commerce / Content Commerce / Content Marketing

09:00-09:15: Eröffnung 
Tanja Grünwald 
09:15 - 9:55: Quo Vadis E-Commerce - Which trends move the E-Commerce 
Keynote] Dr. Georg Wittmann (ibi research at the University of Regensburg GmbH) 
10:00 - 10:40: Titel follows 
10:45 - 11:25: Digital Asset Management (DAM)

11:30 - 12:10 Clock More Awareness, Trust and Leads! Insights into the Content Marketing Trend Study 2020 by Statista
Jan Ahrens (Statista)

Detailed programme information and specific content can be found here.
Click here to register for free and listen to as many lectures as you like.



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